The Seneca Battalion

For over 100 years, 皇冠体育app一直致力于训练聪明的年轻学生成为美国陆军的有效军官. 从美国内战到全球反恐战争,这所大学的学生们在美国参与的每一场冲突中都服役过, creating over 500 military alumni.

By choosing to come to AU, you are choosing a unique path; one in which you will be exposed to diversity, inclusivity and social justice. 你正在成为一个环境中的领导者,在这个环境中,你将有机会成为积极社会变革的推动者. 皇冠体育app的陆军后备军官训练队项目是塞内卡营的一部分,总部设在附近的圣. Bonaventure University.

陆军后备军官训练队是一门选修课程,你可以在大学必修课的基础上选修. It gives you the tools, 培训和经验将帮助你在任何竞争环境中取得成功,使你比同龄人更具优势. Since Army ROTC is an elective, 你可以参加大学一年级或二年级的学习,而不需要参军. 你可以有一个传统的大学生的经历,同时也学习和训练成为一名军官.

选修军事科学课程至少两年并选择在大学期间签约的学生将在毕业时被任命为美国陆军少尉. Following commencement, 毕业生将有独特的机会以多种身份领导士兵,在现役军队中担任军官,为我们的国家服务, Army National Guard or Army Reserves.

有几个后备军官训练团奖学金可以颁发给决定做出这一承诺的学生. Most importantly, you have to want to be a leader. ROTC can train and teach you how to be the best you can be; however, only you can provide the motivation to become an officer.

ROTC cadets are not like any other college student. They are full time students who belong to sports, clubs, and other organizations on campus, while managing their time as a cadet. When not wearing the uniform they could be a resident assistant, involved in student senate, running down a field, or starting a new club.

当学生们穿上制服时,他们就变成了具有高专业水准的学员, integrity, and respect. 随着学员在后备军官训练队项目中的进步,他们的责任变得越来越大. 他们参加了一系列以当今陆军军官知识为基础的课程. Classes are one hour a week where the cadets learn leadership and Army policy. Another hour of the week is spent in lab. 实验室是学员将课堂知识应用于实际生活的机会. During lab the cadets practice ceremonial drill, field tactics, physical fitness, land navigation, and more. 随着学员的晋升,他们会运用所学的领导理念成功地领导新学员. As seniors, 他们将为Lab制定培训计划,并在教官和同事的帮助下开始扮演军官的角色.

In 1917, Alfred University took part in the Student Army Training Corps (SATC), which was formed as a precursor to what is now ROTC. The SATC had 140 cadets its first year, doubling to 300 cadets its second year. The cadets lived on campus and followed military rules and regulation, but there was no major commitment after college.

In 1943, 该大学参加了陆军专业训练计划(ASTP),直到第二次世界大战结束. 设立这个项目是为了加快训练陆军军官所需的时间. By doing the basic components on campus, it provided less training needed when going into military service.

Alfred University began its on-campus ROTC program in 1952, making it compulsory for all physically capable male students in 1956. 大学在1969年取消了强制性的组成部分,从1973年开始允许女性参加. The program thrived for many years, with an average of 200 cadets each year, until enrollment began to decrease in the 1970s.

当陆军在1976年关闭该项目时,该大学开始与附近的St. Bonaventure University. Since that time, all Alfred University students take ROTC through St. 博纳旺蒂尔的项目,从皇冠体育app毕业后被委任为军官.

What is Reserve Officers' Training Corps. (ROTC)?

ROTC, short for Reserve Officers' Training Corps., 一个学习项目会导致总统任命为美国武装部队的少尉吗.

What is Military Science?

军事科学是在大学提供ROTC教学的学术部门的名称. The program includes a specified sequence of leadership, management, 以及专业知识课程以及实践领导经验,但这不是大学的专业或辅修课程.

What can ROTC do for me?

后备军官训练队可以提供领导和管理经验,这将为你的简历增添更多价值. It provides you with training and values that employers seek out in applicants. 它提供了许多获得慷慨奖学金和毕业学分的机会.

How much money will I make as a cadet?

签约学员每年可获得最多10个月的免税津贴(第一年学生300美元), sophomores $350, juniors $450, and seniors $500).

What does a scholarship pay for?

ROTC scholarships at Alfred University are earned through St. Bonaventure’s ROTC program. They pay full tuition and mandatory fees. 这是在上面列出的每月津贴和每年1200美元的图书津贴之外. New York state, 根据纽约州的规定,获得全额学费ROTC奖学金的学生没有资格获得NYS TAP. A student can earn a 4,3, or 2 year scholarship.

Do I have to go into the army after college?

在第三或第四年签订合同之前,没有必要服务. Upon signing a contract you make an obligation to serve as an Army officer. You can serve Active Army, Army Reserves, or Army National Guard.

What's the difference between "officer" and "enlisted?"

Officers lead soldiers and are the managers, problem solvers, key influencers and planners who lead while Enlisted lead, follow, and execute orders by their officers. Together they contribute the knowledge and experience needed to lead soldiers.

How much time does ROTC take per week for contracted cadets?

3-4 hours per week outside of your military science class and lab.

Do I get college credit for Military Science classes?

Yes. 一些课程可以被选为皇冠体育app领导辅修课程的选修课,实验室部分将满足任何身体健康和保健要求.

Jeffrey Beshears, St. Bonaventure University ROTC

Beshears, Jeffery P.
Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army
Military Science Instructor
Office Phone: 716-375-2566
Send an email

John Luckie (ROTC)

Luckie, John E.
Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army
Chair and Professor, Department of Military Science
Office phone; 716-375-2565
Send an email

Brandon Manning, St. Bonaventure Military Science

Manning, Brandon M.
Master Sergeant, U.S. Army
Senior Military Science Instructor
Campus Phone: 716-375-2508
Send an email

James Walton, St. Bonaventure Military Science

Walton, James M.
Department of the Army Civilian and First Sergeant, U.S. Army (Retired)
Human Resources Technician
Phone: 716-375-2508
Send an Email

Courses taught in the ROTC program are both classroom and lab based.

  • MS-101 Foundations of Officership
  • MS-102 Basic Leadership
  • MS-201 Individual Leaderships Studies
  • MS-202 Leadership & Teamwork
  • MS-301 Leadership/Problem Solving
  • MS-302 Leadership and Ethics
  • MS-401 Leadership & Management
  • MS-402 Officership
  • MS-499 Independent Study - Military Science